The war on terror

Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media WHO TOOK MONEY FROM GEORGE BUSH TO LIE TO THE PEOPLE. The government and the media traded the blood of these young soldiers for their personal gain. Look at their faces. How can you not be angry?

Saturday, August 05, 2006


This is a sample of the Zionist massacre in the small town of Qana, south of Beirut, Lebanon. The town was bombed by Israel in april 1996 ... all ยป and again in July 2006, in both instances SCORES of innocent civilians died burried under the rubble while the rest of the world watched in silence ... Please watch the video, and follow instructions to pressure your representatives to push our government to enforce an immediate, unconditional cease fire, YOU CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE, YOU CAN HELP SAVE LIVES


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