North Korea

Can somebody explain to me the reason why there is no action being taken against North Korea after their nuclear tests.Here we have a country under dictatorship which blatantly refuses weapons inspectors to enter,states that sanctioning will be viewed as an 'act of war' and has already developed nuclear weapons which they have tested resulting in international condemnation.Iran on the other hand have a desire to use nuclear energy not for making weapons but for legitimate energy purposes and in any case they are years away from enriching uranium to a quality which could be used in a nuclear warhead.The big difference between these countries is that North Korea does not have a natural oil reserve and Iran does(most of it untapped).There WILL be an attack on Iran because they are seen as a threat to world peace but why not North Korea.This 'double standard' just goes to prove that the war on terror is a facade the government is using to invade oil rich countries and create civil unrest,civil war and inevitably gain control over these countries...DREW (webmaster)
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