Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
"Fool me once, shame on you...fool me means you can't get fooled again", as some dribbling, idiotic, coke-snorting, devil-worshiping, drunkard from Maine who pretends to be Texan once said. Many of us were fooled by the lies regarding Saddam's phantom weapons of mass destruction, but we sure as fuck aren't going to be conned a second time. I wouldn't trust Bush, Blair or Olmert to tell me the time in a room full of clocks. What we are hearing about Iran right now is the same crap that we had been hearing about Iraq ever since the days immdiately following 9-11.
Iran has been on the Neoconservative hit-list for years, and we are now fast approaching the end-game scenario. Bush and Blair lied about Saddam's phantom arsenal, and both are going to find it extremely difficult to persuade their respective populaces of the case for war with Iran. The overwhelming majority of Americans and Brits are sick and tired of Bush, Blair and their fucking wars. Indeed, many would like to see both of them dangling from the end of a rope. But one way or the other, the gruesome twosome and their Zionist controllers WILL have their war but they need an event to kick it off...and that event IS coming...and IT IS COMING SOON.
The event I refer to is another staged 'terrorist' attack that is going to make 9-11 look like a stroll in the park. Some Neocon scaremongers would have you believe that Iran is going to launch an attack on Israel this very day. They do so in the hope that they can scare you into supporting the coming military assault on Iran that will be executed by the US and/or Israel. Neither Bush or Blair will be able to secure the support of their electorates because - as I have just pointed-out - the majority of good Americans and Brits do not wish to see any further escalation of hostilities in the midle-east.
Our collective opinions though, do not mean a shit to our insane, warmongering, 'leaders'. They shall have their war with Iran whether we approve or not. This is how democracy really works in practice. You vote them in, and once in office they set about bringing their hidden agendas to fruition. The only people who voted for war in Iraq are the people who 'represent' us in Parliament and Congress.
Iran has been on the Neoconservative hit-list for years, and we are now fast approaching the end-game scenario. Bush and Blair lied about Saddam's phantom arsenal, and both are going to find it extremely difficult to persuade their respective populaces of the case for war with Iran. The overwhelming majority of Americans and Brits are sick and tired of Bush, Blair and their fucking wars. Indeed, many would like to see both of them dangling from the end of a rope. But one way or the other, the gruesome twosome and their Zionist controllers WILL have their war but they need an event to kick it off...and that event IS coming...and IT IS COMING SOON.
The event I refer to is another staged 'terrorist' attack that is going to make 9-11 look like a stroll in the park. Some Neocon scaremongers would have you believe that Iran is going to launch an attack on Israel this very day. They do so in the hope that they can scare you into supporting the coming military assault on Iran that will be executed by the US and/or Israel. Neither Bush or Blair will be able to secure the support of their electorates because - as I have just pointed-out - the majority of good Americans and Brits do not wish to see any further escalation of hostilities in the midle-east.
Our collective opinions though, do not mean a shit to our insane, warmongering, 'leaders'. They shall have their war with Iran whether we approve or not. This is how democracy really works in practice. You vote them in, and once in office they set about bringing their hidden agendas to fruition. The only people who voted for war in Iraq are the people who 'represent' us in Parliament and Congress.
Muse frontman plugs 'Terrorstorm'

Matt Bellamy,lead singer with Muse,at the weekend
whilst on stage had on a t-shirt with the words
'Terror storm' scrawled on the back.In an interview
with the NME he urges people to watch the amazing
documentary of the same name by Alex Jones.
click here for story 'about halfway down page'
Terrorstorm can be viewed Here